Webinar: Introducing tools for communication with victims of crime with disabilities

On 17th June 2022 FORUM organized online seminar concerning introducing the tools for communication with victims of crime with disabilities, which were developed within the project “Voices for Justice”. The seminar brought together over 40 participants, including judges, prosecutors, police officers, social workers or people from victim support services. During the seminar, the tools for easier communication with victims of crime with disabilities were introduced to participants. Due to these tools people with disabilities can be actively engaged into criminal law proceedings.

The first lecturer Maroš Matiaško, attorney and lawyer of Forum Human Rights, presented the legal framework of rights of victims with disabilities. Then Camille Latimier, the executive director of Inclusion Czech Republic (SPMP ČR), practically explained how correctly communicate with people with disabilities. Finally, Lucia Cangárová, the director of the Council for social support services, introduced the first tool that should help in communication with victims with disabilities. The tool is represented by easy-to-read material, which allows people with disabilities to understand the nature of criminal law proceedings and their rights in it.

This event was co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). The content of this event represented the views of the author(s) only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.